Matt Mauro

"Real Estate has been a passion and profession of mine for 27 years now. I was licensed in 1995 at the age of 18 not really knowing much about the industry other than I wanted to be part of it.

I started investing in real estate when I was 23 years of age. Buying and re-selling distressed properties at first, then residential rentals, and eventually commercial property. These experiences have given me a wealth of knowledge and resources I gladly provide my clients when they are choosing their home or taking on their own home projects.

I specialize in trust and estate sales along with classic style homes. Estate sales can often be emotional for the family. They are going to need someone who can put them in touch with the type of professionals that collaborate for a common goal. Oftentimes the property needs to go through probate or the family needs assistance with auctioning off belongings. There are times when repairs need to be completed to ensure a sale-able property. I enjoy working these types of transactions that have a lot of moving pieces and making it as effortless for the seller as possible.

Classic homes to me are the most fun to pursue for a client. Every home is unique in its own way with classic materials you just won't find in most homes today. Updates, knowledge of areas, grants, and materials used at original time built is key information all my clients benefit from.

I love what I do and whether you are buying or selling, I would love the chance to help you reach your goals and would welcome the opportunity to talk about how we can reach them anytime."